Meeting in pain in C city (8)

when she woke up again, the sky was white and the surroundings were quiet.

lin sisi blinked and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling. her voice was very soft."where are you? what time is it?"

"you're awake?" a clear and elegant voice sounded.

Then, there was the sound of footsteps. The footsteps were very slow, and he walked to the side of the bed and slowly squatted down.

the person that lin sisi saw was ye mu bai.

she looked at it in a daze, then turned her face away to look at her surroundings.

Everything was the same as before, but the people had changed.

Especially when there was a photo of her and Gu ze on the bedside table. At that time, sisi was smiling foolishly and sweetly. Her two little fangs were especially cute. She was wearing a floral dress and Gu ze was wearing a simple white shirt.