treat me as him, the last time 6

Seeing that Gu ze was deep in thought, the nurse did not say anything else.

After a while, the nurse said quietly, " Mr. Gu, if you really like her, you can get her back.

she paused and coughed. " even if they did it, " she said, " no one cares about that now, right? "

These words were like a knife that stabbed into Gu ze's heart. His face immediately turned very ugly.

the young nurse added fuel to the fire. " well, aren't we staying in the same hotel? the girl was rejected by you so miserably, and she had someone to comfort her, so it's normal for something to happen. don't mind it. "

she sized gu ze up and smiled. " even someone like president gu can't keep his body like jade, right? "

"i don't have a woman," gu ze said plainly.

After she finished speaking, she felt like she was going crazy. Why did she have to say this to an irrelevant person?

The nurse laughed. that means you still love her. Otherwise, why don't you have any other women? "