mr. gu, i'm not willing to do it anymore (3)

she fell asleep in a daze and vaguely felt the mattress beside her sink in.

Lin sisi opened her eyes and saw Gu ze sitting beside her.

In the morning, he seemed to have taken a shower. There was a particularly refreshing smell on his body, and he was neatly dressed in the type of outdoor clothes, the classic black and white suit.

"you're awake?" gu ze's voice was quite calm. " i still have something to do later. yingluo, if you're okay, go back. this is your household registration. "

as he spoke, he placed something in her hand. lin sisi looked down and saw that it was a household registration page.

"Whenever it's convenient to move it." Gu ze looked at her deeply and said,'I'm going to the airport for a business trip overseas. there's a servant at home who knows how to cook, so you can leave after eating."

Lin sisi's head was leaning on the pillow. She felt that her head was very hot, and so was her body. Her back was even covered in sweat.