gu ze, we can't go back to how we were 5

Lin sisi was still smiling.

Being with Lao Bai was really relaxing. All her troubles seemed to disappear with him.

however, they were just friends, but not lovers.

that night, she slept beside lao bai, lying down with her clothes on. lao bai told her many jokes, and she laughed and laughed before falling asleep.

ye mu bai reached out to turn off the light, and his gaze fell on lin sisi's face.

her little face was calm, but even in her sleep, she still looked unhappy.

he knew that it was because of gu ze.

only a man who could make her feel pain could make her heart beat faster and make her love and hate him.

He, ye mu Bai, was not that man. In her life, he was just like Lan Yu.

and gu ze appeared just in time.

He reached out his hand and gently brushed away the loose strands of hair on her face. He smiled faintly and carefully leaned over to kiss her forehead. good night, sisi.

lin sisi slept until noon the next day.