Lin sisi, let me take care of you (1)

Perhaps in his heart, there was only one person to be his wife, but she didn't want him.

this was what gu ze thought when he went on a blind date with a pretty good woman.

Smoking was not allowed in the elegant restaurant. He leaned lazily on the back of the chair and played with the lighter in his hand.

that pretty woman was an artist and had won a few grand prizes, but gu ze heard that she was bought with money.

however, regardless of whether he bought her or not, the woman in front of him was very good-looking and had a successful business.

however, he just couldn't bring himself to be interested. he just couldn't hold such a good woman in his arms.

The woman was talking while he looked around in boredom.

Suddenly, his gaze was attracted by a place.

it was lin sisi.