Lin sisi, let me take care of you (5)

lin sisi kissed old white randomly.

Lao Bai endured it but did not respond.

After a while, he laughed in a low voice. He lay flat and lowered his eyes to look at her, his voice very gentle."sisi, if you continue to kiss me like this, i might not be able to get up for the rest of my life."

in fact, he knew that she was just a little fragile now.

She only kissed him and that was all.

If she really wanted to have sex with him, he wouldn't be able to control himself.

he sighed and reached out to caress her slightly curly hair. she was like a child now, venting all the fear, anxiety, and hurt in her heart.

Slowly, Lin sisi stopped kissing him and just hugged him.

she hugged him gently and then started crying.

she leaned on his shoulder and softly apologized.