Are you still going out to fool around?(1)

Bai suili was still asleep.

ye mulin went downstairs in a good mood. his mother always woke up early. she smiled when she saw her son's expression."you're up so early, did you sleep well?"

Ye Mulin was used to having a Western breakfast. After drinking a cup of black coffee, he said to his mother,"it's not good,"

mama ye looked at him carefully and smiled."You don't look like you didn't sleep well. Mu Lin, when did you become so insincere?"

Ye Mulin lowered his eyes and smiled faintly.

mama ye looked at her eldest son. in fact, mu lin's looks were not inferior to mu bai's. it was just that he was usually too strict, so people had overlooked his looks.

The mother and son ate calmly. After a while, Bai suili actually came down. She usually didn't get up until noon.

She was wearing silk pajamas and her hair was a little messy. She yawned as she walked down the stairs. When she saw that ye Mulin was still at home, her eyes widened."I'm hungry."