a dog can't change its habit of eating sh * t 6

"Oh, your dad?" ye Mulin chuckled. bai suili, rice weevil, what other merits do you have other than your surname bai?"

bai suili was extremely angry.

He started to look down on her again. What right did he have to look down on a rice weevil? she was also capable to be a rice weevil.

Wasn't her reincarnation technique good and her beauty her strengths?

she bit her lip and glared at him. " if i didn't take such good care of myself, my last name would still be bai. would you be able to hug me and f * ck me all night? "

She said fiercely, but she felt that after she said this, a certain part of her husband's body seemed to be excited.

She was even angrier.

He always said that she was superficial and a rice weeper, but why didn't he say that he was a Silver Stick, a person with a worm in his brain?

Although ye Mulin wanted her, she would probably act spoiled again if he hugged her and did it with her in a fit of anger!