bully her when you love her (2)

bai suili stared at him for a long time, then asked in a low voice,"did you wash my undergarments too?"

Ye Mu Lin snorted. what else? "

"Ye Mulin, you're shameless." She glared at him with her face flushed red.

"Bai Sulli, you don't know how to wash your clothes at your age, and you want your face?" He snorted in a cold voice.

She was still staring at him.

ye mulin's voice softened a little. " you're not bad even if you're learning now. it's fine if you were in the bai family before. but here, i definitely won't allow you to be a superficial worm. "

"why do you have to add the word" shallow "in front of" rice weevil? Ye Mulin, you're discriminating against women."

"Your family is so rich, why don't you let the servants wash it?"

"your hands will be rough when washing clothes. i'm not washing."

she said with confidence.

" it's fully automatic, " ye mulin said coldly. " it's dry and won't let your hands get rough. "