bully her when you love her (5)

She widened her eyes and glared at him.

under her gaze, ye mu lin kissed her lips gently.

While she was in a daze, he effortlessly pried open her mouth and their lips intertwined.

She didn't have the time to savor it and could only look at him in a daze.

At this moment, ye Mulin's eyes were closed. His expression was intoxicated, and every line of his expression was gentle.

was this the violent man who would use violence and hit her on the butt at any time?

Also, what's with the electric current in my body?

How could she have feelings for a man who despised her and called her a rice weevil all day?

no, it definitely wasn't!

The kiss finally ended.

after ye mulin finished kissing her, he looked at the dazed little girl and his voice regained its calmness."did you learn it?"

"ah," she asked,"kissing?"

He smacked her on the butt. I meant washing the clothes.

"No, shouldn't we kiss?" she said after a long while.