Bully her when you love her (10)

"Pay for your own phone too," she said, looking at him.

ye mu lin's gaze was deep.

Only then did the crybaby whisper, " I'll pay. I'll pay. But don't think I'll buy those expensive ones. At most, I'll buy the new Apple models.

Ye Mu Lin smiled lightly. Bai Xue Li, I'm willing to spend money and effort on you.

the word "hard work" made her blush. she glared at him and got into the car without a word.

Anyway, she was stingy and would not buy him a phone that cost hundreds of thousands.

Her mother used to say that men didn't need to wear anything good. Little girls would just cling to them.

Especially for someone as young and promising as ye Mulin, who knew how many young ladies would throw themselves at him.

The more she thought about it, the scarier she became, and the more she felt that she couldn't let him out to attract bees and butterflies ...

it was fine if his people were gone, but he couldn't take his money away.