Ye Mulin, whoever regrets is a bastard (3)

At that time, he chose the most outstanding Chinese woman in the school to date, and it only took him three days to get her to agree to it.

However, he soon realized that it was more boring to be with a smart woman.

Because they were always self-righteous and bored to death.

ye mu lin and ai wei's relationship had only lasted for two months. this was his limit.

Because other than a light kiss, he couldn't force himself to go any further, so he proposed to break up.

This was a huge blow to Ai Wei. For a long time after that, she hated him to the core and treated him as her strongest opponent.

To ye Mulin, this was boring. He had never felt that personal feelings should override reason.

he felt that ai wei had lost her mind, but he had never thought that it was because ai wei liked him.

However, no matter how much she argued, they still became strangers who had no interaction with each other until now.