ye mulin, whoever regrets is a bastard (5)

the people who came were all the elites who had interned with them in new York back then, and they were all sitting down to talk about the legal world.

Ai Wei had arrived very early. She had changed into a black dress and let her long curls down. She looked much more charming than she had been during the day. She also seemed to be deliberately showing off in front of ye Mu Lin.

she wanted him to know that he had not given up on a tree, but an entire forest.

So, she held the wine glass in her hand and gently shook it. "Ye, you're late."

ye mulin smiled faintly and drank the red wine in his glass. he did not pay much attention to her.

his thoughts were still a little messy as he dealt with these old classmates.

These were all very smart people with extraordinary intelligence, but it was boring to talk about business during a meal.