Do you like me? 7

Bai suili glared at him.

"Your decision?" he smiled.

"ye mulin, are you an idiot? you're a bastard!" after a long time, she finally blurted out.

she felt that the little jerk was really pitiful, so she squatted down and picked it up.

It was only the size of an egg, and its small head immediately shrank. It was quite cute.

she looked at him and thought that he was a little like her. he should be at the age where he was flamboyant, but he had to tuck his tail between his legs and behave. no, this one was a tortoise with his tail between his legs.

just thinking about it, they were in the same boat.

" xiao mumu, i'll be taking care of you from now on. you'll be a rice weevil that i'm taking care of from now on. " She was implying something.

ye mu lin glanced at her but did not argue with her.