Ye Mulin, you actually like me (1)

Bai suili glared at him. Ye Mulin smiled and stood up to pay the bill.

when they went out, he still took her to the perfume counter and picked out a perfume that he was comfortable with. after swiping his card, he said calmly, " "apply this tonight."

"from now on, apply this every night." he paused.

"shameless," bai suili glared at him.

He smiled and walked in front with her perfume in his hand. Later, he actually went to the women's clothing section to pick out clothes for her.

He was really the one choosing. He did not bring her to try on the clothes. She only needed to sit on the sofa and watch Ye Ye first pick.

His eyes were very sharp. He made the decision after a few glances, then swiped his card and wrote down the address for someone to send it to the apartment.

she didn't even ask about the size.

the rice worm finally could not help but step forward and say in a low voice, " "what if it's not suitable? You don't even know my code."