I don't want to go back with you (5)

She cried, cried.

Her tears made him more upset than the drizzle outside. He smoked a cigarette, but the car window was closed. Bai suili coughed a few times before he put out the cigarette.

He turned his head to look at her and said in a low voice, " I'm not smoking anymore. You go back with me.

she shook her head, but the tears in her eyes did not stop.

His heart was extremely uncomfortable, and his mind was blank.

she had never felt so empty before.

he didn't like this feeling. he should have made the same decision as before and divorced her in two years or now according to his original plan.

however, he did not want to give up on her.

Before she had time to think, he had already pulled her over. She looked at him with tears and screamed, " "Ye Mulin, you want to be Yingluo?"

her voice was drowned out by his lips. it was the first time he kissed her like this.