washing away a portion of my humiliation 3

mama ye took a look and saw that it was bai suili's id photo. it was black and white, and she looked like she was in high school.

"mubai, why do you have shirley's photo?" she asked.

Ye mu Bai smiled and looked at ye Mu Lin."This is from big brother's wallet. He seems to have used that wallet for many years."

The voice was getting more and more teasing. " big brother, you're really good at hiding things. i'm really worried that you'll seduce shirley if i get married to her. "

It wasn't Shirley who seduced him, but his big brother who seduced Shirley?

nonsense, " Mama ye said in a deep voice. Shirley is your brother's wife now.

However, she did not expect ye Mu Lin to reply to her question."If you don't like her, I will."

ye mu bai was stunned for a while before he laughed to death. in the end, he was chased away by mama ye.

Mama ye was angry and amused at the same time. She looked at her eldest son with pride and a little embarrassment.