ye mulin's persistence for her (2)

he stood up and walked towards the door of the study. ye mu lin also put down his clothes and his gaze fell on his father's back.

papa ye stopped at the door and turned his head back. " shirley looks like a child from an ordinary family. she doesn't look like one from the bai family at all. "

ye mu lin's heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously called out,"Dad!"

Father ye's gaze became a little deep and unfathomable. He looked straight into his son's eyes and smiled faintly."Mulin, you haven't called me dad for a long time."

He had always been very respectful and called him father.

his eldest son, Z, was very sensitive and it was a pity that he didn't follow Z.

Ye Mu Lin took a few steps forward and whispered as if he was pleading, " dad, i really like shirley. i've liked her for many years. "

this was not a confession, but a request.

As smart as he was, he could already feel the coming of a storm.