lin sisi, can you be with me?(3)

"i won't let go," gu ze's voice was hoarse.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her.

Lin sisi's eyes widened, and she subconsciously tried to kick him, but Gu ze quickly stopped her.

his lips were so hot that no matter where she turned her face, he would always find a way to find her lips.

she tried her best to resist and hit her head, but she couldn't stop him.

He reached out and held the back of her head in place, kissing her passionately and passionately. He entangled her as if he wanted to kiss her until the end of time.

finally, when the two of them were out of breath, he let go of her and said in a hoarse voice, " " sisi, i've said that i'm selfish. i'm willing to use the rest of my life to make up for what i owe you. "

she panted and looked at him. her eyes were clear and bright. those were tears.

gu ze reached out and gently caressed her face. " i'll give you time, but i'll pursue you again. "