Lin sisi, can you be with me?(5)

he reached out and touched her face gently, his voice hoarse. " sisi, I've been missing you for the past few months. I've been thinking that I'll get you back no matter what. I'll get you back to my side.

Lin sisi stared at him and closed her eyes."so, the transfer of assets is just an excuse for me to let my guard down, right?"

he actually smiled in a good mood, probably because he had been abstinent for a long time and now relaxed, revealing his true face. " "not all of them. those are yours if you sign them."

as he spoke, he pressed her down and kissed her, then continued to tease her.

lin sisi could not break free, so she simply stopped struggling. she let him do it and did not give him a response.

"good girl." He kissed her. He was already very satisfied.

after a long time, the man was like a hungry wolf that had seen a feast. he would pounce on her however fierce he was.