i only want her (2)

hao yun was 50 years old and had been with father ye for almost 30 years. she was used to all kinds of situations. when she saw the eldest young master of the ye family, she could not help but come over and greet him. " mulin. "

ye mulin put out his cigarette. " uncle hao, what are you doing here? "

secretary hao glanced in the direction of the building. " elder ye is having a physical examination inside. by the way, I saw Shirley go out just now. Are you guys here to have a baby? " he was still a little hesitant, but since the couple appeared in the hospital at the same time, it was obvious that they were here to ask for a child.

ye mulin did not seem to mind. he smiled. " shirley wants a child, so she came over for a checkup. there's no problem. it'll happen sooner or later. "

hao yun nodded. " that's right. elder ye has also been looking forward to carrying a grandson for a long time. "