Whoever regrets is a bastard (1)

She remembered the time when she stood there and hit him with her high heels because of Ai Wei. She said that whoever regretted it was a bastard.

It had only been so long, were they really going to reach the end?

she didn't call mama ye. she believed that mama ye wasn't involved. besides, she moved out of the ye residence for her and ye mulin.

She, Bai suili, wasn't such a selfish person.

She walked alone on the streets. Lin sisi called to ask if there was anything she needed help with, but she said no.

if it was the lin family from ten years ago, she might have been able to help, but how could she let the retired lin family become the center of attention again?

she sat alone on a bench in the park and dialed ye mulin's number over and over again, but the call did not go through.

The cold voice of the mobile customer service said over and over again, " I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is not available.