She's not doing very well (6)

xie an ning nodded,"alright, i understand. good night, madam."

Su Fu didn't hang up immediately and said indifferently,"Secretary Xie, you won't have a future if you follow him."

It might have been possible in the past, but it was not possible now.

because in ye zhenggang's heart, his career was the most important. he had bet everything on mu lin and would not give up for a woman.

after she finished speaking, xie anning felt a little indignant and said in a low voice,"He's with me now."

Su Fu didn't say anything else. After hanging up the phone, he sighed."you're so stubborn,"

ye zheng had just finished showering and was walking down the stairs. " who's on the phone? "

xie anning could lie, but su fu's words made her feel a little competitive, so she handed the phone to him,"It's Madam."

Ye zhenggang didn't take out his phone immediately. Instead, he stared at her with a terrifying expression. what did you say to her? "