the person he had always loved (6)

for the entire night, xie anning naturally did her best to please yingluo.

Early in the morning, ye zhenggang sat up with a hand on his forehead. His head was throbbing with the pain of a hangover.

xie anning was wearing a sleeping robe. she walked over and sat down. her voice was soft and charming, " have some ginger tea. you didn't feel well after drinking too much last night, right? "

Ye zhenggang smiled. After taking two sips, he was about to lift the blanket and get up, but Xie Anning pressed down on the back of his hand with a hesitant expression,"zhenggang, about what you said last night, yingluo ..."

ye zhenggang was stunned for a moment before saying indifferently, " "what happened last night?"

"how many times last night? i can't remember." he pulled his hand out and pinched her face.