a bad habit that developed after the miscarriage (4)

ye mulin tilted his head and looked at her. he pursed his lips tightly and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

This child was a pain that could not be mentioned between them.

"We'll have more children in the future," he said with difficulty.

Bai suili's eyes reddened, and she smiled lightly. is that so? ye Mulin, do you think so? "

then, she said with a choked voice, " ye Mulin, you might have many children in the future. I will have children too, but our Yingluo will not have any more children.

the atmosphere froze.

Bai suili looked at him. don't you always ask me if I hate you? If you want to hear the truth, I can tell you that I hate you. Do you still want to be with me? aren't you afraid that I'll go crazy and kill you one day?"

"You won't," His voice was deep and desolate.

Mr. Ye, " Bai Sulli said softly, " I'm not interested in your people or power. I only like your money.