This is the second time he's hit her (1)

He searched for her like a madman, not letting go of any place. He should have left B city and returned to H city a long time ago. There were too many things for him to deal with, but he could not leave like this.

She didn't go back to her apartment. That's right, with more than 20 million Yuan, she didn't need to live in that kind of place anymore.

in the end, he used a little bit of power to find her at a film set.

She was still shooting a mini-commercial, a shower gel commercial. Bai Sulli was lying in the bathtub in a bathrobe, her hair wet, holding a bottle of shower gel and smiling.

when ye mulin came in, there were people in front to clear the place and chase away all the staff.

The bodyguards in black clothes were like fiends, scaring the small reporters. They left one by one, leaving only Bai Sulli in the bathtub.

She wasn't afraid, because she had guessed who it was.