i can't bear to leave her outside (4)

he returned to si nan mansion and took off his coat. the servant immediately came over. " mr. ye, miss bai said she won't be coming back for dinner. do you want to eat now? "

ye mulin sat down and rubbed his brows. " help me make a cup of tea. i'll wait for miss bai to eat with us when the meal is ready. "

The helper was a little hesitant. This miss Bai had said that she wouldn't be coming back for dinner. However, since the master had said so, she couldn't say anything. She went to make a cup of tea.

So he made the tea and let it cool, and Bai suili didn't come back until 10 O 'clock.

she walked into the living room and saw ye mulin sitting on the sofa as if he was waiting for her. however, his brows were furrowed as if he was very tired.

So she put down her bag and sat beside him. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned over, trying to please him."were you waiting for me?"

ye mu lin opened his eyes and looked at her. his eyes were bloodshot.