Men who have never tasted meat are all slutty (4)

Bai suili was held by him and only came back to her senses after a long time. She bit her lip and suddenly pressed him down on the bed, her small hands busy unbuttoning his shirt.

Ye Mulin misunderstood. He lowered his head and muttered,"You want me, don't you?"

her little hand was still busy, until she saw his wound.

she stared at him in a daze for a while, then silently buttoned his shirt again and said in a soft voice, " "i was so worried about you that i couldn't fall asleep."

only then did he realize that he was overthinking it. he said in a hoarse voice, " "you've been waiting for me?"

she nodded. " are you back in B city? will it be tiring to rush here and there like this?"

" yes, i'm very tired. i'm going to sleep for a while. " He pulled her to lie down with him.

He said he was tired, but he couldn't fall asleep immediately after lying down. He said softly, " "i've brought my mom back."

"Where's that person?" Bai suili looked at him.