helping bai xiaosan vent his anger (3)

"crazy." ye mulin stared at her.

she had been monitoring him and bai sulli all this time. she had done it very discreetly, and ai wei actually knew about it.

Ai Wei did not care about his anger. She laughed softly."Eavesdropping is a basic skill for us lawyers. Night, you've been in politics for so long and you've forgotten about it."

"get lost," he said. Ye Mulin's voice was cold. However, he changed his mind and dialed the internal line. security, come in and take consultant AI under control.

Ai Wei was stunned and immediately shouted,"ye mulin, you can't do this to me. you can't do this to me."

however, it was no use even if she screamed her lungs out. she had to eat the bitter fruit herself.

after ye mu lin gave the order, the guards immediately came over and restrained ai wei while waiting for ye mu lin's instructions.