actually, bai sulli is also pregnant (3)

hao yun sighed in her heart and then nodded. " " alright, i'll stay. mulin, you go back to B city. "

Ye Mulin looked at Hao Yun and only spoke hoarsely after a long time, " "Uncle Hao, I'll leave this to you."

his voice was a little choked up. after he finished speaking, he looked at the foot of the mountain again. hao yun understood his feelings.

After Hao Yun married su Fu, she naturally treated su Fu's two sons as her juniors. She was naturally sad, but someone had to do this.

He patted ye Mulin's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice, " "hang in there, you've persevered for so long."

ye mulin's thin lips pursed tightly and he hummed in agreement.

that day, he returned to B city. he told ye zhenggang about mu bai's disappearance but kept it from su fu.

Ye zhenggang was silent for a long time. He used all his authority to look for ye mu Bai. In addition, he sealed off the news.