she disappeared in 1400 words

After the confinement period, Wen Yuan went to Yunnan with xiangnan. She stood there for about half an hour with the child in her arms. Then, she whispered, " "he should have seen it, right?"

ye mulin silently put his arm around her shoulders and helped her carry the child.

In front of others, he and Wen Yuan were a husband and wife who respected each other like guests. In private, he took care of her like family. He bought a villa under Wen Yuan's name. She lived upstairs while he lived downstairs. The servants in the family were all his trusted subordinates and would not treat them as a husband and wife.

Year after year, the one from the Bai family was released from prison. Ye Mulin asked Hao Yun to make arrangements. They sold the Bai family's old house and bought a 160 square meter house for the two elders of the Bai family. The extra money was enough for them to take care of their old age.

mrs. bai was in much better spirits and was discharged.