is it difficult to admit that you enjoy it?(3)

" please don't tell anan that you're her father, " she said after a pause. " children will be disappointed if they expect too much. "

She had said so much, and he finally understood. He frowned."You mean you'll find her a stepfather in the future?"

bai xiuli lowered her eyes. " gu changfeng proposed to me. "

She had just finished speaking when ye Mu Lin's expression turned cold. He stared at her. "You agreed to his request?"

He then added,"you're with him?" Gu Feng doesn't mind if you sleep with me?"

"If you force me too much, I'll marry him right away. And if chief ye forces me again, I don't mind exposing you."

"Oh, really? Expose me and ruin my reputation?" he smiled and took out his phone from his pocket. " give me your phone. "

she didn't know what he was going to do. he had already added her on wechat and sent her a video.

Bai suili opened it and deleted it after a glance. Her face turned pale."Ye Mulin, aren't you a pervert!"