An 'an is lost, the little tadpole is looking for its father (3)

the traffic police lady looked at where she was pointing and was stunned.

It was chief ye!

No, no, chief ye's family had accepted Caiji before, and this was not the only one.

"this is chief ye," she said patiently.

"it's daddy." Little an an said stubbornly.

The traffic police lady was a little speechless and looked at her.

An 'an was also looking at her.

after a long time, the traffic police lady coughed lightly."Lying children will be taken away by the Big Bad Wolf."

An 'an bit her lip. Her eyes were teary. it's daddy. I'm not lying.

the traffic police lady thought that bai anan had a great temperament. although she was not accompanied by a group of bodyguards, this baby looked very noble.

and that face really did look 70% similar to the top five most powerful men in B city.

However, this was chief ye's child. Didn't that mean that chief ye had an affair?