An 'an is lost, the little tadpole is looking for daddy (9)

"Mom is right here," ye Mulin comforted her.

" but mommy cried. mommy cried. an 'an cried too. " Bai Anan was crying very sadly, which fully showed Bai suili's strong genes.

Then, ye Mulin understood that this child looked like him but was actually lying!

in her bones, she was a smaller bai sulli!

Smart, but not on the right track. Yingying only knew how to act cute.

However, he had a feeling that he had just survived a disaster. It seemed that he was very glad that an 'an was like this. He wanted a little girl like her. It was not good to be too independent. Girls needed men to coax them.

ye mulin was extremely patient with the little girl. he squatted down and pinched her soft little face. his voice was unbelievably gentle. " then, if daddy coaxed mommy and mommy stopped crying, would baby stop crying too? "

An an raised her little face and looked at him pitifully. then baby should think about it carefully. I just can't promise you so easily.