i've always belonged to you (4)

he smiled but did not answer her question directly. instead, he muttered, " "What do you think?"

As he spoke, he kissed her and carried her back. She was only wearing a bathrobe, while he had changed into his clothes and was neat.

"i'll order a customer service meal for you." "I have a meeting later," he said, looking at his watch.

"you're leaving in a while?" bai suili was stunned.

he smiled bitterly. " i'm really busy. "

bai suili wanted to lose her temper. he had tormented her for so long, then left her in the hotel and went to the meeting by himself.

she wanted to get angry, but she suddenly remembered what they had said before.

She had asked him before,"ye Mulin, are you happy now that you're standing at such a high position?"

He did not answer her.

She wanted to ask him again, but she grabbed his arm.

He turned around to look at her.