there's still happiness beyond happiness (2)

The next morning, when the doctor came over, he saw chief ye leaning against the bed and reading some documents. A woman was lying in his arms.

As chief ye read the documents, he reached out and gently ruffled the woman's hair. His expression was especially gentle.

The doctors and nurses were all stunned. In the past two years, they had interacted with chief ye many times, but this was the first time they saw him so friendly. They had never seen him so gentle either.

And this woman was not Mrs. Ye.

Also, chief ye's son and wife are also in the hospital. Is it really okay for chief ye to place a woman in his Ward so openly and treat her like this?

The doctors and nurses were cursing in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say anything. They all came in to check on the general.

Ye Mulin raised his eyes and put down the documents in his hands. He said calmly, " "Lower your voice, don't wake her up."