A gift of love (1)

ye mulin glared at her. the tea was dripping down his face, followed by his shirt and his trousers.

"Bai Xue Li," he emphasized.

She knew that she had gotten into trouble, so she immediately grabbed a tissue to help him wipe his face while apologizing in a low voice, " "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't know you would say that."

She paused for a moment. ye Mulin, if you were more serious, I wouldn't have sprayed you.

As she said this, she gave him a reproachful look. Her little hands were not idle. She wiped her face, his shirt, and his pants. In fact, she really didn't have any other thoughts at the time. It was just that his pants were wet and he was like this after he wiped them clean.

however, she felt that something was wrong after a few wipes, so she raised her eyes to look at him.

Ye Mulin calmly sipped his tea and gave her a slight smile. continue wiping!