a gift of love (10)

He stood by the bed and leaned over to blow a breath into her ear. "lazy worm, time to get up."

When she woke up, her eyes were misty. She hugged her pillow and complained, " "i'm so tired,"

He bent down to look at her. There were still faint patches of blue under her eyes, probably because she had not slept well these few days.

mr. ye examined himself and felt that he had overused her recently. he smiled and kissed her eyelids. " "i'll let you off tonight."

Bai suili's eyes were filled with fear,"what else did you want?"

"what do you think?" He smiled and pulled her up, tidying her clothes and hair. "Let's go somewhere."

She was a little confused and looked at him.

"You'll like it." Ye Mulin merely smiled.

"Oh," she replied and was led to the car by him.

As she fastened her seatbelt, she said worriedly, " "do you think others will treat me as your mistress?"

he glanced at her and deliberately said slowly, " "i guess so."