you seduced me again (5)

Wen Yuan's tears did not stop. She half-knelt on the bed, wrapped in the bedsheet. She smiled with tears flowing down her face."I'll buy the medicine myself. I don't need the check. Don't worry, I won't give birth to the child of a man who doesn't love me."

"I won't do it again," she said to herself.

ye mu bai stared into her eyes. then, he held her chin and lowered his body."Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

Her chin hurt a little. She looked up. there's nothing else.

ye mu bai let go of her and walked out quickly.

He was in a hurry, but Wen Yuan knew that he was not there to look for Lin Xueyi. He was there to look for his past.

wen yuan just sat there and smiled gently.

Ye mu Bai went downstairs and got into the car, his fingers on the steering wheel.

When he picked up his phone to dial, he realized that it was out of battery, so he charged it.

after a while, he called KING. his tone was calm. " "i want to investigate my past."