Tell me, what tricks are you playing this time?

Wen Yuan remained silent until dawn.

she didn't even close her eyes, because she was afraid that if she closed them, she would be weak again and sink into it again.

Just like that, at dawn, the morning light shone through the White curtains.

her eyes were a little sore and bitter, and she blinked gently in his arms.

ye mu bai was still hugging her from behind, and she gently struggled to get up. she could not help but turn to look at him while she was putting on her clothes.

he was very good-looking. even though he was in his thirties, he still had a perfect appearance, and his figure was well maintained.

Wen Yuan watched silently for a while before he pushed the door open and went out.

she made breakfast and then woke xiang nan up. xiang nan had already signed up for school and had to be there before eight o 'clock.