She is now my wife, ye mu Bai's wife

wen yuan ate his meal in silence. he could not move his hand away from under the table, so he held her hand.

Sometimes, Wen Yuan would glance at him with a pleading look in his eyes. However, he would pretend that he did not see it.

after that, wen yuan stopped struggling and let him hold it in his hand.

whatever she wanted to eat, he would look at her with his eyes and force it to her. he took care of her very well, just like an old couple. even ye mu bai and bai suili kept looking at them.

Bai suili, in particular, found it a little unbelievable. When they returned, she sat next to ye Mulin. There were only the two of them in the car because su Fu and Hao Yun had taken an 'an back to raise her.

bai xiuli turned her head and said in a dazed voice, " "Ye Mulin, have you noticed that Mubai treats Wen Yuan differently?"