She is now my, ye mu Bai's, wife (3)

Bai Xueli looked on helplessly as her husband walked into the bathroom. Then, she ran into the bedroom and threw herself onto the bed. She hugged the pillow and rolled around a few times. In the end, she pressed the pillow and fanned it a few times. She imagined that she was mistreating ye Mulin and felt very emotional. S you, M you!

At the door of the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, ye Mulin was only wearing a pair of long pants. He was holding a towel as he leaned against the door and looked at her with interest. When he was almost done looking, he chuckled. Shirley, I didn't know you were so hypocritical. You really want to learn new knowledge.

Bai Sulli was dumbfounded. She was still sitting on the pillow and looked back at him like a pitiful little girl.

Ye Mu Lin chuckled and looked at her.

"Ye Mu Lin." Her voice was pitiful. you must have misjudged Hanhan, so you forgot!