She's my wife now (5)

"it really hurts?" His voice was very gentle.

The rice worm, who was originally only in 30% pain, immediately became even more delicate. She nodded."it really hurts."

Then, she stretched out her slender arms and wrapped them around his neck, looking especially delicate.

ye mulin sighed in his heart. how could he not know that she was putting on an act? she was clearly in a good state tonight. it was impossible to say how much pain she was in. men who had been married for a long time would more or less understand.

However, he still enjoyed her coquettishness. He reached out to hug her and kissed her. "I'll get you some medicine."

" oh, " she replied, but she still did not let go of his neck.

ye mulin smiled and lowered his head to kiss her. he kissed her deeply until her body went soft.