Did you miss me?(3)

wen yuan nodded.

He had to leave, and when he left, he was a little reluctant.

After ye mu Bai left, Wen Yuan took a good look at the apartment and thought about the South.

Wen Yuan had nothing to do as he had someone to take care of the family affairs. She took xiangnan around the apartment. The designer must have taken care of everything in the apartment. It was very tasteful, but Wen Yuan did not particularly like curtains as he felt that it was too dull.

The helper at home had lived in this area for more than ten years. Wen Yuan asked her where she could get custom-made curtains and the helper told her. Therefore, Wen Yuan went to the market on the first day and even brought xiangnan with him to pick out the cloth she liked. Xiangnan's room was chosen by him.

It took a day to finally change the curtains in the apartment. The Auntie said that they looked good, and that the original ones were very good, but now they looked more like a place where people lived.