she's a good woman 2

ye mulin smiled. " it's good that you know. don't do stupid things again, wanwan. your parents aren't young anymore. your mother still has uncle hao to take care of her. your father is all alone. he's not living well. "

Ye mu Bai smiled bitterly.

"Did she say anything?" he sighed after a long time.

"Her? you mean wen yuan?" "if you want to know, you can ask yourself." ye mu lin smiled.

he then patted ye mu bai's shoulder and said,"alright, let's go home, yingluo."

After a pause, he said, " I thought it was a big deal. That scoundrel agreed to drop the lawsuit after paying us tens of thousands of dollars. He even said that his body is in great condition and that he shouldn't make such a big deal out of it in the future. It's very passive of me to come here and wipe your P * ss. If I don't come, the women at home will have to wipe their tears.

as she said that, she punched ye mu bai's chest and led him toward the apartment.