say you love me (1)

However, his attitude made her understand that she could not mention it, or he might not let her see the child.

The current ye mu Bai was no longer the ye mu Bai of the past. He would use the cruelty and ruthlessness of the business world on her when necessary.

It was not that Wen Yuan was not afraid. She was actually like a frog being boiled in warm water by ye mu Bai until now. He knew all too well that the two children had become her weakness.

she splashed water on her face in the bathroom and took a long time to calm down before going downstairs.

Downstairs, Xiang Nan was hugging ye mu Bai in a clingy manner.

As a father, he was also very indulgent and allowed his son to hold her. He had always been stricter with xiangnan than ye Hui. He always felt that he should be stricter with boys.

Wen Yuan walked down the stairs and sat quietly beside him. He looked at her and asked, " "mom, did you cry?"