first time being moved 2

he didn't say anything, but just grabbed her into his arms and kissed her hard for a while. then he said to the driver in front, " "drive the car to the four seasons hotel in front."

The old driver in front simply didn't know how to drive. President ye couldn't wait to start driving now?

Wen Yuan was also stunned. She was a little drunk, but not too drunk. She knew very well why he took her to a hotel, and he even chose the Four Seasons Hotel.

She instinctively rejected him, but ye mu Bai was not someone who would easily change his mind, especially when it came to matters involving men.

He pressed a button, and the back seat was separated from the front. He held her in his arms and reached out to untie her hair. Her long hair spread out and fell on her face, making her look very beautiful.

the back seat was filled with the alluring smell of wine.