If you're free, why don't you check out HIP2?

He turned around and looked at her quietly. Wen Yuan, I love you. It's not what you say. It's not just because I like you and want to make love to you. It's indeed a part of marriage, and it's the most important part to a man.

he walked over and leaned forward to kiss her. it was a light kiss. he did not want her, but he kissed her for a long time.

the storm had temporarily come to an end after they both made concessions. however, wen yuan was still indifferent to him. it was impossible for her to please him as she did before.

the next day, ye mu bai went to the company and sent the child to school.

when he arrived at the company, he called secretary he and paused for a moment. " " is manager xu at work today? "

"manager xu mo?" secretary he was stunned.

anyway, there was one rule in starlight: the manager xu that president ye was looking for with a dark face must be manager xu mo.

ye mu bai glanced at her.

he na immediately went to summon them.