I need you to appear (5)

" you still like me. you call me a male b * tch, but you're still willing to sleep with me. " he walked forward and hugged her from behind, his face resting on her shoulder. " " isn't it great that we're together? i won't let you see these things again. i can even prepare another apartment for you, just us. "

xu mo's eyes were still lowered as he said,"Strange!"

"kang qiao, i really don't know why you insist on sleeping with me! to be honest, your manager's figure is much better than mine, so it'll feel better to do it with her. " xu mo turned around in his arms. " i can't afford to play your game. "

She withdrew from his arms. I'm not a saint, and I'm not willing to be your appetizer. Kang Qiao, I'm not a good person either. Really, I'm not someone else's stepping stone. I will protect myself. I won't be used by others and then kicked away again.