Mrs. Ye who ran away from home (3)

he got the answer after passing through the living room.

Wen Yuan was lying on the soft bed, his face buried in the pillow, fast asleep.

He sighed and sat down. He reached out and lifted her hair. Her breath was tipsy.

how much did she drink last night to get like this?

he ran his fingers through her black hair, not wanting to wake her up. however, the strange feeling still woke wen yuan up.

She blinked her eyes and realized that she was lying in an unfamiliar environment. She should be in a hotel.

She looked up and met ye mu Bai's gaze.

His expression was a little indifferent,"you're going to run away from home again just because of this?" wen yuan, you're not a child anymore. there's no right or wrong in the adult world. the past is not that important, what's important is the future."

his voice became hoarse and his tone became indulgent, " " we're in the past, and i've never really liked her. i don't care about her now, okay? "